Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 10: Commitment: Self Saboteurs

HOW LYNDS GOT HER BOD BACK: Day 10: Commitment: Self Saboteurs

So sorry readers! I asked you to tune in the day after my last post, and it's now over a week later. GEESH! No excuses, I'm just hopping back in...

Comittment to a blog is important, too!

(Sigh) where was I?

Ah, self saboteurs. (laughing) Of course-- PERFECT.

Knowing I can't hang ANY responsibility on anyone else for my experience always allows me more freedom from the victim position when it comes to commitment.

I don't know about you, but here's how I sabotage myself.

1. I make unclear comittments, ones that PART of me can agree to, but not all of me. So there's a divided team inside from the start. For one, I often don't consult my body. More on that later.

2. I make unrealistic comittments, which immediately set me up for failure.

3. I create no support to keep me in my comittments. This is different than holding my support people responsible for my breaking my own comittments.

Here are a few more. In their book "The Conscious Heart", relationship pioneers Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks sum up four reasons why we break our commitments:

1. We make insincere commitments
2. We commit to things we cannot control
3. We leave a back door open
4. We make unconscious commitments that contradict the original commitment

If I'm really wanting to get my bod back, I'll set up the comittments I make to get my results along these guidelines:

1. Comittments are made from a whole being "YES" (body, mind, heart, spirit, adult and also the little kid within me. Yes, the kid gets a vote!)

2. I set up support and make clear agreements with those involved as to how to support me. AND THEN ALLOW MYSELF TO BE SUPPORTD. (Just a reminder to myself)

3. This is a NO EXIT game. Period. (I know, I know. There is a part of me chiding "god Lynds, what are you doing?")

4. I am 100% responsible for creating all of my experience.

5. I do a daily check in with my whole being (listed in #1 above. This will nip any kind of mutiny in the bud).

6. Recommit when necessary. (If I walked away from my first bike the moment I fell off, I'd have never had the pleasure of the bike rides I take today!)

As a parting observation, it's really interesting I'd be starting all this body stuff right before the biggest holday season of the year. Hmmm, hmmm......I guess I want a differnt experience of that this year!

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