Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Solstice

Moonless, starlit, magical night.
Laying on my blanket under the huge maple tree,
watching red Mars moving into Gemini,
Big Dipper sinking into the North

Breath of summer wind roving through the trees,
crickets sing,
fruit ripens on trees,
black Labrador watches at my side,
ebony cat calls out the window.

New Moon-
black zero of beginning,
great rising crest of Sun and light to
begin its descent into darkness in minutes,
union of sun and moon
to follow

Great Mystery......
Great Goddess.........
The nightbirds call the soul calls
breathe in the stillness,
the B E A U T Y...

Hold it as long as you can-- let it out.

Silence calls forth the new day

-- Lynds Pickett