Saturday, August 9, 2014

Filling the Well

"There are different wells within your heart. Some fill with each good rain, Others are far too deep for that. In one well You have just a few precious cups of water, That “love” is literally something of yourself, It can grow as slow as a diamond If it is lost. Your love Should never be offered to the mouth of a Stranger, Only to someone Who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife Then weave them into a blanket To protect you. There are different wells within us. Some fill with each good rain, Others are far, far too deep For that." -- Hafiz I was out walking out under a beautiful moon and radiant stars last night-- one of those nights when the high, juicy, vibrant energy of a warm summer evening is SO delicious, you could scoop it out of the sky and eat it with a spoon! The neighborhood was very quiet and it seemed that the earth I walked on was an open, sleeping, breathing being. The noises of the night filled the air. It was the kind of night where you can FEEL EVERYTHING growing. In the silence of this lush summer symphony, my well was filled. I felt the voice from deep inside the well say "...I love you...". When that voice expresses those words, I know some serious replenishment has happened! Lots of unexpected chaotic energy and exhausting days this summer... I am FINALLY getting to start filling up what has been drained and dredged away in the past couple of months of extreme activity. Quiet moments do this for me: sitting by the creek in the afternoon, an afternoon at the spa, swimming in a spring fed pool or subterranean grotto, time with a dear friend, a walk among alpine wildflowers...... This post is to remind ANYONE who has forgotten to STOP long enough to fill that precious well of yours ( in the ways you know will fill it) TO DO IT NOW. Your world and your people need the AUTHENTIC YOU that this replenishment brings. But more importantly, YOU DESERVE to be running the kind of energy that being finely replenished brings. The stuff that you worry and are concerned about can wait, dear ones. Fill yourselves today, or very very soon. You will be glad you did.